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Saturday, October 8, 2011


So I found out the 22nd of September that I was pregnant. I had a faint positive. I thought it could have been an evap line so I decided to wait and test again on Sunday when I was officially "late". Sunday morning I took a test and it came back positive. Tuesday I started bleeding. I had gone Monday for my 1st blood draw, my dr. made me go back Wednesday for my 2nd blood draw just to check levels since I did have an ectopic in the past. Awesome Birthday gift to me. Another loss :-(

I ended up seeing Dr. Mc on the 5th of October (once the bleeding was nearly over and just minimal spotting) and he told me it was a chemical pregnancy. He told me I can try this month if I want but to take a baby aspirin every day. If I don't get pregnant this month then starting next month I have to use OPK's. When I get a + he wants me to call him. He's sending me for blood work to determine if my body is making enough progesterone. If I am not making enough then he's putting me on progesterone and then he said "or chlomid" I haven't even googled around to find out why Chlomid. So I need to learn some about that. He didn't tell me why. He told me that once I had that blood draw I would talk to him again. So I figured I'd leave that question for a time where it was relevant. 4 losses and 2 living children. I just want a 3rd. I can't believe how hard this is. I am so depressed over all of this.

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