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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Vandalism, Burglary and threats

So here's the long one I promised in my craft fair blog.
Last Winter Bob hired this guy named Jim to work the front desk. Well, the guy ended up being a terrible employee. He would drink on his shift and Bob found a bottle of beer in his desk drawer! He even accused his brother because who on his staff would do that? Most had been there for many years. Well, the day we were buying my mini van (in May, before my m/c) Jim called Bob while we were at the sales desk working out the details on the van and he demanded a raise. Bob said "uhm, you haven't been with me 90 days, we evaluate your performance after 90 days and we'll discuss a raise then. Jim said "Well, if you're not going to give me a raise I'm leaving" and Bob said "ok, if you don't want to wait til your probation period is up that is fine" and Jim hung up. So Bob called the front desk and talked to the other front desk person who informed him that Jim came in, cracked a beer, sat at Bob's desk, called Bob, then came out front, screamed and made a scene and walked out. CRAZY. Well, since he walked out during his probationary period, no unemployment.

So a few weeks later Bob had to go up to the club for something and he stayed to work out. When he got out someone had broken his windows on his truck and his sun roof. WTF? Now there's shattered glass everywhere, even in the kids car seats! So we had to have that replaced.

Now in the mean time Bob tells me that he wants to hang out with Beth. The front desk girl who worked with Jim. He said she's really nice and he is going to make her the night manager. I like Beth. Her and I have talked and she is very sweet. So I'm ok with this. We went to a Sox game w/ her and her sister. We invited her over on the 4th of July to watch fire works. I really do like Beth but I've been apprehensive about her for a while.

She had told Bob when his truck windows were busted that she talked to Jim & Jim knew all about it and then was acting wierd saying "maybe he was targeted, maybe people were looking for something"

Well Bob took that as hilarious & thought "there's nothing to find out about me" I quickly said "well, did you have anything in your truck w/ your home address on it?" because I'm home all day w/ the kids and during the winter when Bob's plowing I'm home alone at night with them. Bob said no, that he didn't think so.

I will say, though it concerns me, it doesn't totally scare me because as I've stated in past blogs, I work with rottweiler rescue. At this current time I have 3 dogs in my house. A 75lb cane corso lab mix, a 65lb lab/hound mix and a 120lb pure bred rottweiler. ALL are very protective over this house, myself and especially the children. Even with a gun, one can only fire off so many shots w/ out being attacked by the dog that didn't get in the way. I love my pets and I'd never want anything to happen to them but I also have to consider if some insane nutjob had my address.....I'd stand a chance of getting out on time w/ the kids 'cause of my dogs and dogs are so loyal, they'll protect their loving family til the end. This is why I rescue and why I help the extreme abuse/neglect creature deserves that!

Well.....I also have been sleeping w/ my car keys next to my side of the bed because I have the panic button on them & my car is always in the drive next to my house. I could hit that button to draw attention. My cell is bedside and I have the dogs.

So I'll get back to Jim. Well, now a few weeks ago someone broke into the tennis club. Broke through the front doors and then through the 2nd set of glass doors. This guy Jim had a buddy named Nick working at the club. Nick STILL has a key to the club. Bob can't get ahold of him to get the key back and it's $1,400 a lock to get those locked changed so Bob's being cheap and sacraficing the safety of his employees. THIS ticks me off to no end. THIS is what we got into a fight about last night. He is however having an alarm system installed next week so I guess it won't matter so much.  The system is extensive & will cover every door to the club, even the random utility doors. Well, Beth text messaged Bob last night that Jim text or called her (I couldn't tell which, bob was vague) and that Jim knew about the break in & even said "they probably just took the TV"..........UHM, that's the ONLY thing that was taken.

I said when the break in happened that it was Jim. It wouldn't surpise me if they got in w/ Nick's key & just busted everything up to be destructive. And to take a TV we bought the day after thanskgiving on the black friday clearance for like $400 was so stupid. All that damage, the risk of being caught & going to jail.....for a $400 tv.....I knew it wasn't random,....I knew it was someone w/ something against him.

I'm not stupid and I'm sick and tired of Bob acting like I am and being so stupid about everything. Then he tries to push it off on his mom like "well, she wouldn't approve this and that"

I told him the next thing that's going to happen is he's going to be targeted. I'm worried. I'm worried that one winter night while Bob's plowing that someone is going to attack him or shoot or stab him. This guy is demented and he's not stopping. He waits a couple months and attacks again and each time it's bolder and bigger.

I keep typing more and realizing this is a public blog and I need to not type to much.
I have a craft fair I need to go get ready for. Time to end this blog.

Craft Fair

I'm hosting a craft fair today and I'm a nervous wreck. My kids are being boogers and screaming and making messes and I can't keep up. I'm only going to have 90 min. to get the room pulled, spots assigned, reservation forms made and set up my own table and take care of the 3 who didn't come in this week and are doing late payment/reservation. I am so stressed. My mother in law's supposed to be here in like a half hour & the kids are still in their PJ's. Amber's lastest is she pulls her pants down & tries to run. UGH. she's gonna crack her head on something if she trips. Then she yells at me to pull her pants up. I don't know what has gotten into her.  She's got such an attitude. She's also started lying and I can't stand that.

Last night I was up making the craft fair signs to put outside. Bob just slept.

We went shopping and he got stressed because of the amount of money we had to spend. He never comes shopping with me. I warned him in advance the 4 x's a year we go to sam's club is a lot of money. Well, he was so "stressed" that we came home, I cooked dinner, he gave the kids their baths, I cleaned up from dinner, we put the kids to bed and by 7:30pm he was in bed!!!! IN BED. So I had to clean up the rest of the house, flip the laundry, make the signs for the craft fair and go out to the garage in search of a stake of some kind to fix to the signs to put them in the ground while he slept! He woke up, asked what I was doing. He checked his emails and texts (that'll be a dif. post) and then he went back to bed mad at me when I told him he was being stupid. Again, that's the next blog. It's lengthy.


So I found out the 22nd of September that I was pregnant. I had a faint positive. I thought it could have been an evap line so I decided to wait and test again on Sunday when I was officially "late". Sunday morning I took a test and it came back positive. Tuesday I started bleeding. I had gone Monday for my 1st blood draw, my dr. made me go back Wednesday for my 2nd blood draw just to check levels since I did have an ectopic in the past. Awesome Birthday gift to me. Another loss :-(

I ended up seeing Dr. Mc on the 5th of October (once the bleeding was nearly over and just minimal spotting) and he told me it was a chemical pregnancy. He told me I can try this month if I want but to take a baby aspirin every day. If I don't get pregnant this month then starting next month I have to use OPK's. When I get a + he wants me to call him. He's sending me for blood work to determine if my body is making enough progesterone. If I am not making enough then he's putting me on progesterone and then he said "or chlomid" I haven't even googled around to find out why Chlomid. So I need to learn some about that. He didn't tell me why. He told me that once I had that blood draw I would talk to him again. So I figured I'd leave that question for a time where it was relevant. 4 losses and 2 living children. I just want a 3rd. I can't believe how hard this is. I am so depressed over all of this.