I am so sick of this cold I could scream. I mean honestly, I've been coughing for like 8 weeks now. It's so bad that I'm to the point that I pee myself a little when I go into a total coughing fit. I also randomly vurp from the mucus and the acid reflux issues I'm having. The pregnancy isn't even bugging me much anymore in comparison to this cold. I threw up a stomach full of post nasal drip this morning. It's terrible. I was so dehydrated last night that Bob ran out to get me gatoraid. I can't stomach water. It's disguisting to me. He even admitted I wasn't looking to good. I feel like I've hit a brick wall most of the time.
My friend told me to try vitamin D3 in 5000IU dose (that's what her dr. who is a naturalist tells her to take). I googled around and it seems most dr.s recommend this for pregnant women in 4000IU dose but that some in only 400!!! WTF? So I think I'm going to meet in the middle. I researched the vitamin and it seems to have only good effects. My dr. is so conservative he'll probably advice against it. He's even known in the hosp. as being one of the most conservative doctors. He's a very good dr. But some things I feel like he could give a little on.
I'll probably call my general practicioner and ask her since she works through a different hospital and is less conservative. There is an ob/gyn in her office so she'll prob. confer with her and get back to me.
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