So I've been slacking on Blogging. I've been enjoying my time with the kids. Nearly every day we go swimming in the back yard in our little quick set pool and we do errands all the time. I have been planning Amber's 3rd b-day party too and that has been time consuming. I love party planning though. I'm also helping my sister w/ some minor early stage wedding planning (sending her places to check out and what not). I called the baker today about Amber's b-day cake and sent my sister the info so she'd have the baker for the wedding cake.
I've been going to the chiropractor and having adjustments. My back has been in some bad shape lately.
So onto fertility talk LOL. This weekend AF is due. I'm getting nervous since we did try for a while, then my back went out. We were together 3 times supposedly during "O" time. So we'll see. We haven't been together in over a week now because of my back. We tried one night and hubby was to distracted by the obvious pain I was in. Stinkin' back! Urgh. Ruining intimate time! Anyways, I took a test earlier in the week at the "5 day before a missed period mark" it couldn't tell. Stupid 5 day early tests. With my luck I'm all up in a hopeful dither for nothing. I really want this month to be our month. I am so ready to be pregnant again and complete our family. 3 is our number. Considering I've already been pregnant 5 times! urgh. I just want my last little baby to hold in my arms. I hope God sends her back to me.
So I've been naughty and enjoying a few cocktails because this might be the end of the cocktails for me. But either way I've decided, if AF comes this weekend then I am done w/ the drinks until our anniversary in FL, then I will have a drink to celebrate our 5 year. I want a healthier body, healthier life style. Not like I have a problem. Giving up alcohol is never a problem for me, but I do enjoy a glass of wine every night and I know they say red wine is good for you, but I'm having a glass of white right now Ha! Last night I had a mint julip actually and it was delicious. I've already started eating better and cut back the caffeine to 1 cup of coffee in the morning and that's it. VERY RARELY do I even have a cola during the day. I've also had sushi a few times this month and I'm getting in my lunch meat intake here & there since if I get a BFP this weekend I know I have to cut it all out. I guess this is my fun month LOL. I really hope AF doesn't show up this weekend.
Today I bought tickets for a Day out with Thomas in August so we can take the kids. I think it will be a fun time. It's kind of like an extended birthday gift to Amber. It was $65 about for the 3 of us (Jack is free since he's under 2). Our garage sale is going to be this weekend too and tomorrow my MIL is taking the kids for the day so it'll be nice to have an afternoon off. I have some books I plan on taking to this book store I found to sell (It's a family owned used book store). I love reading so the prospects of getting more books on trade in is awesome!
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